Map #181762


Orthographic projection map of the World focused on Mongolia in whitened-cyan and night teal






Data source

Natural Earth


Orthographic projection map of the World focused on Mongolia in dark teal on transparent background

#100875🇲🇳 Mongolia

Orthographic projection map of the World focused on Mongolia in pastel rose and teal

#327521🇲🇳 Mongolia

Mercator projection map of Mongolia showing boundaries in pastel rose and teal

#335110🇲🇳 Mongolia

Mercator projection map of Mongolia in whitened-cyan and night teal

#351353🇲🇳 Mongolia

Mercator projection map of Mongolia showing soum, düüregs boundaries in pastel rose and teal

#360682🇲🇳 Mongolia

Mercator projection map of Mongolia showing boundaries in dark teal on transparent background

#444671🇲🇳 Mongolia

Orthographic projection map of the World focused on Mongolia in night teal on transparent background

#452928🇲🇳 Mongolia

Mercator projection map of Mongolia showing soum, düüregs boundaries in night teal on transparent background

#700056🇲🇳 Mongolia